At ImPower, we believe that every person deserves to be seen, heard, and understood. Our mission is to create a world where equality and equal opportunity are not just ideals but realities. We are deeply committed to empowering individuals from all walks of life, especially those from marginalised or disadvantaged groups, to take control of their own lives and destinies.


Our source of inspiration is the simple yet powerful idea that people can only solve their problems when they are given the chance to lead their way and to experience success. Traditional approaches often miss this crucial point. As Albert Einstein once said: "we cannot solve the problem with the same mindset that created it". We take this to heart by offering a fresh, bottom-up approach that places real power in the hands of those who this is about.


Our unique approach involves training individuals from within these target groups to become peer coaches. A peer coach is someone who has walked a similar path, faced similar struggles, and emerged stronger. They don’t come with ready-made solutions, but with open hearts and minds, eager to listen and understand. This genuine curiosity about each person's story creates a powerful bond of trust, allowing peers to open up naturally.

When someone feels truly understood and not alone, this can be life-changing. Our peer coaches don't just offer empathy and a safe place; they empower others to find their own solutions and take control of their lives. This relationship is built on mutual respect and shared experiences, making it easier for peers to take meaningful steps forward.


The is dedicated to training these peer coaches the skills and knowledge, and providing resources they need to be effective. Our program combines personal leadership training, professional coaching techniques, and storytelling workshops. This holistic approach ensures that our peer coaches are well-equipped to inspire and support their peers. impact projects is the branch of our organisation that collaborates directly with companies and organisations. We develop tailored projects that integrate peer coaching into your existing systems, addressing specific challenges you face. Our projects are not just temporary solutions, they are designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of peer coaching in creating lasting change.

Why Peer Coaches are Indispensable

What makes ImPower indispensable is the deep, authentic connection our peer coaches make with those they help. This connection is not about solving problems for someone but about empowering and coaching them to solve their own problems. It’s about instilling confidence, fostering independence, and creating a sense of control over one’s life.

By partnering with ImPower, you’re not just addressing a problem, you’re investing in a solution that transforms lives from within. You’re giving people the chance to be understood, to feel valued, and to take charge of their futures.

#1: Transforming Unemployment in Neighbourhoods

Imagine a neighbourhood where unemployment is high, and traditional interventions have failed. We partner with local teams to identify and train influential community members as peer coaches. These individuals, who were themselves unemployed, are offered paid jobs and comprehensive training through the peercoach academy. Supported by our impact coaches, they reach out to others in their community, guiding them toward sustainable employment. This job is considered an entry-level position. After gaining enough experience, they recruit and guide their successors, ensuring that the cycle of empowerment continues. This approach not only helps those directly involved but also strengthens the entire community by building networks of trust and support.

#2: Empowering Sex Workers to Leave the Industry

For many sex workers, leaving that life behind can feel impossible. Although there are aid organisations and social workers available, they often haven't lived through the same experiences. Our peer coaches, who are former sex workers themselves, bring an unmatched level of understanding and empathy. They quickly build trust, offering guidance and support that is both practical and deeply compassionate. This connection provides sex workers with a role model and confidante who can help them envision and work toward a different future.

#3: Creating Jobs for People with a disability

In the Netherlands, social partners and the cabinet agreed in the Social Agreement of April 11, 2013 to create 125,000 additional jobs for people with disabilities. However, both the market sector and the government sector are far behind this target. This is partly due to the tight labour market; this would make it difficult to free up capacity for the necessary guidance of this target group. However, by using peer coaches for this guidance, recruited from the intended target group, it cuts both ways. The guidance does not rely on a small group of professionals, and the guidance improves because the peer coach can better empathise with the target group and can better understand which job carving is required for a good result. The dual impact of this approach not only creates meaningful employment opportunities for people with disabilities but also ensures that they receive the guidance and support they need from those who truly understand their challenges. 

Join us!

We invite you to join us in this mission. By integrating peer coaching into your projects, you can bring about meaningful, lasting change in the communities you serve. Together, we can create environments where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Let’s work together to empower lives and build stronger, more resilient communities.

Have a conversation?

Do you have an issue where peer coaching might contribute to the solution? Or do you have a SROI or CSR task as a company and do you want to realize real social impact?

Peter Fekkes, founder & ceo of the & impact projects, is open for a conversation. Just schedule a Zoom meeting by the red button down-right on this page.

impact partners

Thanks to our impact partners we can support hundreds 
of people to make big steps.

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Gelezen in de Telegraaf van 4 maart 2021.
